Thursday, September 19, 2013

And That's Whats New.................

Well, I have been MIA on myself (my Blog) for awhile. It seems the only time I can blog is when/if both kids are sleeping at nap time.....never happens anymore. He falls asleep and she wakes up. Today, thankfully, she is the present moment anyways.

Grayson pooped in the bath tub for the first time. Oh the Joy it brought to my heart to see him take stance as I was talking to my friend on the phone. He braced himself in a standing position, holding on to the bar in our bath tub and just pooped!
"Mama Poop...Ewww."
"Yes...Yes you did..just poop in the bath tub!" "Time to get out and clean it."
While I chatted with my friend on the phone I scooped poop...with my bear hands (thats love!) out of the bath tub and into the toilet. Then bleached the tub and his bath toys.

He also says "You" for everything when he really means "Me." This is very confusing when he really wants "You" to do something and not do it himself. Also, just started the whole "No" phase. I am hoping it passes as quickly as his biting and spitting stages. The longest stage he has had thus far was the head banging, and currently throwing toys.

Our little Starr is not so little anymore. She is hitting the Milk Bar (my once perky a Flip Flop-pity Mess, my only saving grace will forever be an amazing bra with extra lifting powers!) every hour to two hours lately. She will be 4 Months at the end of September...Man the time. Her recent achievements have been to roll from belly to back, grabbing objects, getting on her knees during tummy time, pelvic thrust scooting all over the house on her back..pretty funny, and she giggled for the first time last night! Of course, I Missed it!!! We have been getting those silent movie type smile laughs for quite some time now.
I was at a pre-baptismal class last night while my hubby was letting my son jump on the bed and perform belly flops for my daughter who apparently chuckled gleefully! I am gone 1 1/2 hours and return to two kids still awake and heard of her joyful laughter. Let's just say....we made Lemon Cupcakes and hit the bed at 11:00pm last night. So, I am not running for mother of the year! Hey, when life gives you two overly tired, energetic and cranky children to deal with, you have two options:
1.) Loose your S*%@
2.) Say F&*% it and make some Yummy Cupcakes

* Side note- I heard her little giggle today!

I am taking a Yoga class every week that I am addicted too! I have taken yoga before and have never had an instructor like this one. He is amazing and Yoga is hands down my Vice of choice!! Loooooove it!
I also started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but am improvising. I am not doing it everyday like I should. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, & Sat I have devoted, unless I walk or get another type of exercise in. I am at least doing 4 days a week. I was all in 6 days a week, but I think for me that is too much shock on my body right now. The big deal for me is changing my eating habits. My bad cholesterol is 220 :( I have to make a lifestyle change...but for steps are best....especially when it comes to giving up my sweets. (or limiting them)

Upcoming...I know my one single follower is super excited...You know who you are...Love ya!

Starr will be getting her ears pierced
Going for a girls night out at LIPS to celebrate a friends 40th
Grayson to start Preschool
Starting a Self Defense class
Celebrating my Moms Big 50
Starr getting Baptized
My Hubby and I celebrate our "Make it official" anniversary

So, sit down, have a glass of wine, some chocolatey indulgence, coffee or whatever it is your craving and Stay Tuned to hear of all my exciting news to come in Mama Town!

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