Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Great Day.....

Today was exactly that, a Great Day!

We started the day at the Green Market with a friend and her son. A wagon ride, Spider man, some yummy cupcakes, and a nice cool treat from the Pop Cart later Grayson was a wonderful Mess! This all before 10:30am.
I was then treated to one of my fav breakfast places, The Original Pancake House. I chose the Pumpkin Pancakes in a attempt to jump start the Fall season. We chatted and caught up on what was going on in our lives.
Next it was off to a birthday party, where Grayson had cake and juice, (More Sugar..Again..Mother of the Year in running!! LOL!) I caught up with some old friends, and the Birthday girl turned two in her pretty Minnie Dress with friends and family.

To end this Great Day we went to the Park to kick the soccer ball. Grayson had a blast and his laughter echoed throughout the soccer fields. He ran, kicked, and threw the ball until his cheeks were a rosy red and his breathing was heavy. As the sun was waning, I was filled with warmth watching my husband and son play gleefully. My daughter attached in her Ergo was looking at the fields with her usual wonderment and calmness.

It is in these moments I am reminded of the gift of Love, and Joy. That Happiness is a gift by our own choosing to accept. We create it, breathe it, and accept it only by our willingness to just allow the Happiness to fill our hearts, minds, and bodies. Today I embrace Happiness...It was a Great Day!

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