Saturday, August 17, 2013

I am no Martha Stewart...but I do MY Best!

Being a mom, I never realized how it would inspire me to be better at the things I know how to do, Dare to try things I may not of ever heard of before and try my best to do anything and everything else that crosses my mind along the way.

Since having my daughter I have found it extremely difficult to balance my time between the two. I sit to nurse her and my toddler acts like a crazed rabid animal. He cries, and then she gets upset. He sleeps but she stays gleefully wide eyed and eager to play. She sleeps and he wants to toot on his whistle and scream in the house! Sleep is something of the past. I know not what it means to Sleep peacefully through the night anymore. I still  hold hope for the time in the near future when I will go down peacefully on my pillow at 11pm and sleep until 7am with no cries from the baby and no screams from my toddlers night terrors. Yet, in those wee morning hours when I am barely awake I cherish the coos of my daughter and the snuggles from my restless son. Those priceless moments make it all worth while.

Our recent project was to make a form of Jello Jigglers.. A form, I say because they were pretty sad looking Jigglers. I followed a recipe I found online because I only had two small boxes, a cherry, and a melon fusion. The recipe called for boiling juice, mixing the jello, and pouring into a bake pan. Once refrigerated I used cookie cutter hearts to cut out the jello. However, they were not thick and I barely had enough to actually make a cut with the cookie cutters. Leave it to me to mess up Jello! My son had a blast! Enjoyed eating them and we even saved 2 hearts for Daddy. Daddy loved them too! Even though they weren't as "pretty" as the ones my toddler it was still a fun experience and that makes this Mama feel Special. Who is Martha Stewart anyway???

Being Flawed and imperfect as a person is what makes people beautiful in my opinion. If everyone were to be perfect then we would relinquish our individuality and that would just be no fun.

First time eating Jello 8-1-2013

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