Thursday, August 1, 2013

Donuts in My Yummy, so Yummy!

Where has the time gone..Ah yes...I have children. There is no such thing as time anymore!

Starr has been going through a massive growth spurt. Nursing every 1 hour to 2 hours...Ugh. It was a nice calming experience with my first. This time around it is more stressful than anything because it seems my son knows that when mommy is feeding his sister he has ample time to get into anything and everything he wants!!! Most of my nursing sessions with Starr are interrupted with me jumping up to get Grayson away from the fridge, pantry, or from climbing to get access to whatever it is he wants at that moment.

My daughter has a worried look on her face most of the time. I feel, primarily caused by my stress and the stress of her brothers screaming tantrum fits. Oh those lovely Twos!! Love Them!!!

So, back on track. Last weekend I had a friend come and visit to see the baby and I. On this visit I finally got to go to the donut shop I have heard so much about, Mojo Donuts. This donut shop opened in February and I immediately heard about it from a book club mommy. I have been giving smoke signals to my husband ever since. Yet, my darling hubby never took me despite all the requests and hints. Most likely because 1.) It is a drive away from our house and 2.) I spend a good amount of our money on food and overindulge often in sweets resulting in my complaining to him of tummy aches which he automatically will blame on the chocolate cake I had 2 days prior. (Let me clarify..Slice of chocolate cake..Not the whole chocolate cake.)

Saturday morning we made the drive after stopping by Starbucks to get my Fav, Spinach Feta Wrap, a Grande caramel Latte with Whip and Marble Loaf. It poured the whole way there. No rain was keeping me from my donut experience.

Once we arrived at our destination the rain was just about to peak. My friend, Grayson and I got out of the car, leaving my husband and baby Starr behind. To set the scenery, Mojo is in a outside shopping plaza and from the outside is nothing fancy at all. Just a typical storefront in a shopping plaza. Inside, well, inside was like a small coffee house equipped with a few tables inside and out, and some sofa seating arrangements. The place was swamped with people. No place to sit was in sight. Then I saw them, sitting in their neat little rows behind the glass all whispering, "pick me." I was awe struck for a second. All of these scrumptious looking  gourmet donuts, I had no idea where to begin. They had Smores, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Creme Brulee, Raspberry and Blueberry Cheesecake, Maple Bacon..Yes bacon donuts, Guava and Cheese, etc... I had no idea which to pick and they all looked good. So, I got a dozen while my friend chose a modest 1/2 dozen. While we looked and asked what flavors were what, a long line was forming behind us. As donuts were leaving the trays fresh new creations were being brought out onto display. As I was paying for my delicious dozen, the power went out for a second due to the weather outside. The employees were just as unique in their personalities as the donut creations that were on display. A young guy with piercings and tattoos asked how we heard about Mojo, A woman filled our boxes and answered our many questions, a younger girl cashed us out and an older gentleman was bringing donuts out of the oven. The storefront experience was pleasant and the staff was fun and energetic.
On the way home I shared a glazed donut with Grayson. It was thick and yummy. It wasn't overly sweet and didn't leave that yucky feeling in your tummy after eating. 

When we got home I got to taste my  other choices: Smores, Boston Creme, Raspberry Glazed, Guava with Cheese, Raspberry Cheesecake, Key lime, Maple Bacon, Trix, Banana chocolate (Forgot Name), Banana pudding (Forgot name), and a chocolate frosted with those old school french fry stick snacks on top.

My overall thoughts. The donuts are unique in the flavor choices, I wish that the Guava and cheese, Raspberry Cheesecake, and the Key lime would have been filled with filling instead of just the dollop in the middle on top of the donut. It would have been even better had that center followed thru into the inside of the donut. My favorite ones were 1) Guava and Cheese 2) Maple Bacon 3) Boston Creme 4) Glazed and 5) Raspberry Cheesecake. My least Favorites were the 1) French fry one 2) Smores  and 3)banana chocolate.
Overall at $14 and some change for a dozen, you get some very interesting varieties, flavorful toppings, larger than average donuts that taste Yummy and look amazing. People probably hype the place up a little too much, but you wont be disappointed because what you get truly is a unique yummy tasting gourmet Donut that wont weigh you down!

I would definitely go back for my favorites :)

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