Friday, July 19, 2013

The Tale of the Rainbow Sprinkles

One Early....Very Early....Morning in a small apartment on a good side of town there was a very Hungry...wait no! A very...Curious...Maybe. A very Mischievous...Ah, Yes! A very Mischievous young twoddler.

After a night of taking turns being awoken by and waking up baby Starr the Twoddler had awoken at an ungodly hour of 5:00am!!! Ready for his day full of imagination, trucks and trains! Dada had awoken with him, not as eagerly and got him his bowl of cereal.
"MMMM...Dada...MMM!" The Twoddler exclaimed while enjoying his bowl of cereal.

The morning was going like clockwork and Dada was now ready to leave for work. He walked into the room to wake Mama.
"Ughhhh....Already." Mama muffled with her head still buried in the drool filled pillow.
Dada left for work with Twoddler engaged in the mind sucking machine...the Television.

Mama peeled her zombie like self from the sweet slumbers of dreamland and walked out into the kitchen. To her surprise there in the florescent light was her precious Twoddler downing the container of rainbow sprinklers like an addict of some sort.

Is this a reflection of the horrible Sweet tooth to come, Mama thought. Twoddler had his eye on these rainbow sprinkles for quite some time. Every time Mama opened the cabinet he eagerly requested, "Mmmm Mama...mmm."
Every time Mama replying, "We don't eat Sprinkles for Breakfast."

At Last on this Morning in this small apartment Twoddler with stealth and confidence pulled the chair from the dining room into the kitchen. He opened the cabinet and...ATTTACK!!! Those poor rainbow sprinkles didn't stand a chance!
(If you look closely, you will even see where he must have attempted to bite open the lid because it is cracked)
As Mama witnessed her Sweet Twoddler downing sprinkles like juice she thought to herself,
"How did he get that lid open?" (It was a twist only lid) and "How do I get angry at this?"
So, as her Sweet Twoddler gleefully chugged down what rainbow sprinkles he could after clogging the holes with sprinkle balls formed by his saliva. Mama simply took the relieved rainbow sprinkles from the small hands that held them so tightly and stated,
"We don't eat Sprinkles for breakfast."


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