Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The BIG 30!

 If you would have asked me 2 years ago, I had big plans for this Birthday. Either a cruise or a big 80's bash. However, two children later things definitely changed. All I really wanted this birthday was to spend time with my family, get a juicer so that my husband and son can get more healthy veggies into their bodies, and a yummy vanilla pound cake from Fresh Market. What I got was a weekend of being spoiled without having to cook, time with my family, friends, I didn't have to cook at all Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and on top of 2 Vanilla Pound Cakes, and a yummy cupcake (from Burger Fi) I ended up getting 3 cakes! Anyone who knows me well knows I love to eat and I have one MAJOR sweet tooth.

With my actual Birthday being on Sunday the 7th my birthday celebration actually began on Thursday the 4th! Friday night my sister in law brought over dinner, yummy Enchiladas, and a homemade chocolate chip cookie cake.  Both were so yummy! After the kids went to sleep I stayed up and watched a movie with my husband. We watched Warm Bodies.

Now, I did not have ANY expectations when I watched this movie. Quite Frankly Teresa Palmer reminds me too much of Kristen Stewart and she annoys me. So, I watched the movie and thought some (very few) parts were actually funny. I thought it was supposed to be a comedy. It turned out to be more of a weird romance. I continued watching the movie because it is on my list. Yes, I have a movie list.
Whenever I make it to the theater and see previews for films I may want to see...It goes on the list. Same with DVD rentals, any previews on the DVD that I may want to watch..on the list. Warm Bodies was ...On my list. I really am not a huge "Zombie Nation" person so maybe I just didn't , "Get it!?"
I would say, it was just okay in my book.
What is more important is that I got to watch an entire movie uninterrupted!

Saturday came and went with such speed I barely remember what we did. Ahh..Yes..It is coming back to me. We took a trip to the bank to straighten up some fraudulent activity and Grayson had a complete freak of nature break down Tantrum. He cried, and screamed literally the entire 30 minutes we were there. I asked the young banker helping us if he had kids, his reply..."No, not yet."
In my head I guiltily had my Ally McBeal moment and replied mentally, "Well, you may want to think long and hard buddy!."
It was an extremely stressful 30 minutes of quite frankly everyone yelling to be heard over the screaming toddler. Unfortunately one of us couldn't take Grayson outside because we both needed to be there according to the banker...Aghhh!!!! Happy Early Birthday to Me!

I got to watch another movie while the kids napped. Upside Down. Umm. I was annoyed by everything being upside down and I would say the movie for me was a flop. Not really action packed, as I think it was categorized as action. It was just one of those slow movies, but I don't discriminate and once I start a movie no matter how boring, dumb, or uninteresting..I finish it. With one exception. People are screaming at me now before I even write it I know, Pulp Fiction. For some reason every single time I have tried to watch that movie, I fall asleep and have never been able to finish it!

Later that afternoon some friends of ours, we call them the Triple J's (all their names start with J's but they have a second baby on the way..whose name starts with J, but that puts a damper in our nickname for them) decided to throw a Birthday BBQ for me. We had some yummy chicken burgers, cheeseburgers, corn on the Cobb, and a chocolate Birthday Cake. Yum Yum!! This was after swimming of course. Mt guys had a blast. I still couldn't swim due to still healing from my C-Section. It was still fun to see my guys having a blast!

Sunday was the big day! I woke up and my husband and Grayson went out for the morning. I honestly was a little disappointed because I wanted to get out of the house early. My husband wanted me to rest. So, Starr and I stayed home. She thankfully slept and I got in another movie. Yay! It is an older movie, but I recorded it off of one of my movie stations on TV and have had it on my list since it came out in 2011.
I don't know how she does it -with Sarah Jessica Parker. This was a really good movie. Probably because it speaks to mothers...Working mothers primarily, but I still enjoyed the movie. It was sweet, comical, heart warming and made me cry. What a girl I am! Another one crossed off my list.

When my husband and Grayson returned he gave me my gifts, three beautiful frames with photos of us and the kids, and my juicer. We then finished off the afternoon/evening at my sister in laws with a BBQ and cake number 3! The guys swam again and Grayson just ran like a lunatic after his cousins. I love it! I must say my 30th may not have been all dirty and crazy but it was simply put LOVELY! So here's to being 30!

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