Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I should have had known...It was just noon and Grayson had applesauce in his hair and Popsicle red stained fingers. Not to mention I should most definitely not receive a mommy merit for my pure 100% laziness today.
Grayson - "Mama, choo choo!"
Mama - " okay let mommy pick one out."
Normally, I would decline this request but out of pure laziness and exhaustion from staying up late last night to watch the Bachelorette and Mistresses that I recorded earlier in the evening, today I obliged.
With lunch over and done it was time for a nap. My little Starr was already asleep, and I wanted desperately to get Grayson down so I could finish writing and get into bed for a nap myself. I did the whole routine: Paci, Story, Nap Song, and he was still awake. So I decided that was okay. I would write and he could read his books in his bed until he fell asleep. WELL............ You know that Clorox Commercial. It could happen to you...TRUST ME!

I am sitting at the computer when Grayson comes running out without his Pull up skipping and saying,
"Mama Poop!"
Just as happy as a clown. I, for a brief second, thought that maybe he went in the potty. NOPE! As I approached the scene and my overly excited son pointed and then proceeded to take his toy car and roll over the Poop that was indeed on the carpet next to the full pull up. I simply looked at him and replied very calmly and matter of fact,
"Yes, you sure did. Now let's get you cleaned up."
Bless his little heart. He even had a new diaper next to the full one because he knew he needed a clean one.
Into the tub he went. I cleaned up the mess unscathed. I didn't even wear gloves surprisingly. Motherhood does something to you. It makes you less squeamish and more tough. At least when it comes to your kids anyway.

As I febreeze the heck out of the carpet in our room and sit here writing this I can't help but feel a little proud of my little boy. Now asleep, not in his bed but on the couch. This whole Poop thing is a milestone. He is recognizing  the difference between when he poops and pees. He was so proud and even though in my head I was screaming, I couldn't help but smile at that completely innocent little boy who just Pooped on our bedroom carpet!

-WARNING - Photos are actual fecal matter - Those who may get grossed out STOP NOW! -

                     Here he Proceeds to show me the Poop in his full diaper on the ground.
Here is a blurry shot because I had to grab the car from him after he rolled it into the small brown dot of poop(Just to the right of the yellow toy car)
Here is a full shot of the Poop scene. To your right you have the packed full poopy diaper that Grayson ripped off and left. Just below the full diaper is the little pile of poop that Grayson decided to roll his toy car over. Just to the left of that is a clean new diaper that Grayson was laying out for Mama to put him in. Just above that is the larger pile of poop that he so proudly created on the carpet. Just a side note - These were not of solid consistency, but more on the soft serve side.

It all comes with the territory...................................................And then my name was Mama!

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