Tuesday, July 9, 2013


4th of July has come and gone. I must say that my 4th of July was perfect! For numerous reasons we have been cooped up in the house. My daughter being so small, only owning 1 vehicle, finances, and many other reasons our little apartment has been our jail, our refuge, the cozy and comforting  place, and above all else home. This 4th my husband had off of work and didn't have any work he brought home. This was the first day in a long while that we spent time as a family and got out of the house!

So this meant a trip to the Park. Grayson got some play time at the Play Ground and got to run in the grass. I love watching him play and explore. I always wonder what exactly is going on in that little head of his as he explores the world around him. His eyes hold such excitement and a gleam that I only wish I could have everyday. All the while I had Baby Starr in tow in my Ergo Carrier.

When we arrived at the Park there was a lady with her son just leaving and crossing paths with us. She shared that she has two kids as well - 15 months apart. Her son was with her running around freely enjoying the freedom of exploration. She has a baby girl as well. She comforted me and let me know that it gets better. The struggle between getting an active toddler out of the house and keeping an infant comforted. I must say that there is something comforting about mothers sharing their experiences in a friendly and non competitive manner. A sort of "Women Unite" type of feeling. In a hectic world where you often feel like a little speck of dust in the universe, it is refreshing to have someone relate. To know that in a way even if very small, you are not alone in what you may be experiencing at that moment or time in your life.

Grayson was using his soccer ball to practice some hoop shots. It was so great to see the determination this little guy has. He just kept tossing the ball until he managed to get it over the fence and then would repeat it all over again.

A quick water break with Daddy before practicing his soccer kicks. Grayson just kept going even though he was rosy cheeked, and exhausted. He kept running, throwing, and kicking until we decided to get out of the heat.

It was then time for some grub. We decided to try this Burger Restaurant - Burger Fi - A burger joint that uses locally grown and farm raised ingredients. I have been wanting to try it for quite some time, but after trying another local "Organic/Grass fed" burger place, I was a little hesitant. I didn't enjoy the last burger place I tried and it was over priced in my opinion. I was hesitant as we pulled up into Burger Fi, but being as it was the 4th of July and we were not having or attending a BBQ, I felt burgers were a part of the Holiday. They were very yummy! They did not have that greasy taste and I actually didn't feel that horrible gross full nasty feeling afterwards that I always feel after eating a burger. Also, the price was not so bad. Thumbs up in my book for Burger Fi!

After lunch and nap I got to spend a little one on one with Grayson. So, we went over to the pond and fed the ducks, fish and turtles. This is something we do often. Grayson always loves to feed the ducks. "Duck, Mama, Duck!"

After our Duck adventure, Grayson went to the Pool with Daddy for some one on one with Daddy! We have lived here since February and have yet to go into the pool. 2 1/2 hours later my guys returned tired and ready for dinner. 

We decided not to attend the Firework show because we thought that it may be too much for Starr and way too crowded. Instead we took a walk around the block and enjoyed our own show from the surrounding neighborhoods. It was great! The weather was perfect, warm with a breeze. Starr slept peacefully on my chest in the Ergo Carrier and Grayson "oooo'd" and shouted , "Boom Mama..Dada." followed with hysterical laughter and amazement in his little eyes. As we got home and ready for bed I reflected back on the day and I honestly couldn't have asked for a more perfect day and start to a great Birthday Weekend.

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