Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nap Time Nightmare

Ah. The lovely Nap Time Hour. A time that I hope never goes away. Everyone tells you when you are becoming a first time parent the little piece of advice, Sleep when the baby sleeps. Of course being a woman your mind is always on. There are a billion things to do and our work is truly never done. Now when my son was little, Yes, out of pure exhaustion, I did indeed sleep as much as possible. As he got older I would utilize the precious nap time to catch up on some household chores, writing, or catch up on my many, many DVR'd television programs. Yes, I admit. My name is Heather and I am a TV Slut. I am Loyal to no one broadcasting station and appreciate the divine DVR system. Since my daughter, I am remembering that good old piece of advice to sleep when the baby sleeps. In my case the only opportunity is to sleep when the toddler sleeps. 

This afternoon, I decided that I was going to take advantage of Grayson's nap time and indeed lay down as well. After a very hard evening last night with Starr and not taking a nap yesterday, I was praying for Grayson to take a long nap today. (Normally he naps 2-2 1/2 hours but recently started only napping 1-1 1/2 hours.) Here we go. Grayson gets his pacifier only when he naps and goes to bed at night. I am not ready nor is he to take it away completely  as he is still cutting teeth. In his bed he goes with his pacifier. I read him his story - today he chose Mr Brown can Moo Can You? Starr is asleep in her bouncer and Grayson is snug in his bed. I tell him,
"Mommy has to go to the bathroom I will be right back."
While on the toilet - Yes I know, another bathroom diaries story.
Grayson decides to get up and slam the bedroom door shut. I finish and go to the door to my horror, he has locked the door!!! Panic hit me like a freight train. Why? Well, Grayson has been very sweet and attentive to his sister Starr, but has recently here and there lashed out in bouts of jealousy. One minute he will be really sweet to her, using soft touches and kissing her head. Then,

Grayson will smack her in the head, grab her face, sit on her, or try to (what looks like) break her wrist, etc. 
Behind the door I am telling him to turn the lock and let mommy in the door. Really trying to keep his attention at the door and not on his sister sleeping peacefully in her bouncer just steps from him. I completely panic on the inside while I grab a screw driver from the kitchen and begin to feverishly unscrew the door knob to get inside the room. It was the longest 45 seconds of my life. I got into the room and put the door knob back on. I decided to tape the lock on the door so that this incident will never repeat itself again.

When all was said and done, Grayson zonked out in his bed and Mama caught some much needed Zzz's!

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