Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend In Review

Manic Monday starts and it has been a low down stressful morning with my lovelies. I woke as usual after a zombie like night of maybe 2-4 hours of sleep, if that! Starr was extremely fussy this morning and just cried and cried until about 11:30am. Grayson took his tantrum this morning to a whole new level. He was sitting in his little blue bike and asked me to buckle him in. I happily obliged, as he normally never wants the straps on. Then he started whining a bit and wanted the straps unbuckled. All hell broke loose once I unbuckled one buckle. I tried to explain that he asked me to take off the buckle so Mommy was only doing what he asked. That is when he started his manic cry and slapped me in the face! Now, WTF! Some parents may say all high and mighty, " My child would NEVER do such a thing!" Unfortunately, I do not have that Privilege...remember those Terribly Wonderful Twos?? That is a prime example of what I am dealing with. It is as though my perfectly kind little angel has been taken over by a terrible rug rat - like Angelica. (Remember that cartoon? Rugrats.) Now, I of course did not reward this behavior by giving him a high five and a "way to slap someone in the face." statement. I firmly stick by positive reinforcement even if I am having an Alley McBeal moment on the inside. ( Remember that show? Ah yes, the creepy dancing baby in a diaper and the ever so dramatized moments that she visualized in her head) I explained while he was wailing that we do not ever hit anyone especially Mommy! It is not nice and hurts people. He continued to wail as I preceded with the whole, "I understand you are upset but hitting mommy is not a nice way of dealing with his frustration. Then I told him that once he settled down we would go outside for his bike ride. I walked away out of his site and he continued bellowing for a good 5 minutes before settling down. 
Now during this whole tantrum I was wearing Starr in my carrier and she was getting fussy again because of his screaming!! It was in this brief moment I had an Ally McBeal moment - visualized ripping my hair in chunks and my eyes bulging all cartoon like out of my eye sockets.
Eventually he got over it and I let him know that it is not nice to hit mommy but I forgive him and love him very much. We then went on his bike ride and fed the ducks in our pond. thru that whirlwind of a morning. Now for my down time as he lay peacefully napping and she is fast asleep in her bouncer, I, should be sleeping, but instead have opted to blog. What is wrong with me???

 Our weekend was nice. I got to watch 2 movies this weekend. The first an adult pick - Identity Thief  with Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. (Love Her.) It was hilarious and a bit heart warming. I did tear up in a few parts towards the end of the movie. I essentially get very emotionally involved in the movies I watch, but maybe this time my crazy hormones may be of culprit. Nevertheless even though it took me 2 days to watch, I thought it was a good story line, hilarious, and heart warming. Also, watched Wreck it Ralph which was a little violent for my 2 year old in my opinion, but thankfully he really didn't pay much attention to it. He ended up loosing interest fast and played with his toys. I thought it was a great concept and funny. I know they have made movies introducing the whole "Gaming" concept i.e Tron but this was a whole new dimension to the world or Arcade Games. Thought it was a great movie, loved the cast, the visual concepts, and the story line.

We took Grayson over to his best friends house to play on Saturday for a few hours. These boys are just a month apart. Grayson born in June 2011 and his Best bud born in July 2011. 

Back Story, We met this couple at Buy Buy Baby while shopping for a new car seat for our son. It was a month or so prior to Grayson turning 1. This couple just so happened to be shopping for a new car seat also. We talked and exchanged numbers and the rest is history in the making. Play dates began, we ended up taking Kindermusik classes together with the boys, and the 6 of us began hanging out on a regular basis. Now, I have just given birth to my daughter Starr, and they will soon be blessed with their daughter in September. So Funny. It is as though we were supposed to meet and befriend this couple. It is nice to have parent friends. Also, nice to meet "Real" people. We will save that conversation for another blog.

Grayson with Curious George 6-23-13
Then came Sunday. We began the morning with a birthday party. One of Grayson's friends turned 2! I met his mommy at the Kindermusik class. This mom is amazing! She makes me want to be a better mom.  She actively blogs about her journey as a mother, she does something called Tot School with her son (which until I met her had never heard of before), she is extremely artsy (which I love), she is down to earth, sweet and kind hearted, and just a good "real" person. Grayson had a blast at his friends Curious George themed party at a local My Gym. I took Starr out but kept her attached and covered in my Ergo Carrier - Love by the way - Very comfortable and easy to use. We ended our Sunday evening with dinner at my Mother in Laws. My husband the kids and I met up with his Sister, hubby, and kids at Grandma's house for some yummy pot roast. Grayson had a blast playing with his 3 cousins. Our night was a late one sitting on the couch with my baby Starr nursing as though my breast are a open tab at a local Bar. My son snuggled beside me watching his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and my Husband working on his computer before we all said Lights out at around 10:00 pm.

Proud Big Brother
Look, I am being Gentle!

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