Saturday, June 22, 2013

Memory Lane

So today I receive a parcel from the mail man. It is a box packaged with goodies from one of my Best Friends. Inside the box are some essentials like size 1 Diapers and a package of wipes...Yay!!! Always love receiving diapers and wipes. These essentials are crazy expensive! My daughter will literally go through 3 diapers in one changing at times. ( She poops like a trucker!) No offense to any truckers out there, I really have no idea how you Poop, but if I had to accept ignorance as my option I opt that route and stick firmly to my statement that my daughter poops like a trucker...Gas and all.
Back inside the box there were some Mommy Essentials just for me. Although, one does say it is for kids, but anyone who knows me, knows I will devour these before my boy even gets sight of them.
WHAT? Red Velvet Chocolate Tea! Yes, Please!
Happy Hippo Meet Hungry Hungry Heather!!!
 Also, inside this magical parcel of goodies was a red photo holder with old photos of my husband and I. Photos back when we started dating, when love was fresh and new, exciting and bold.....Way before the kids. This got me to thinking about Memory Lane. Memory Lane is often a road worth venturing down from time to time. Not because of being unhappy, or having regrets, but because when you take that long, usually curvy road you can reflect on the person you have become. I feel this fills a person with a deeper gratitude for their present situation. It is not about reflecting on the bad and ugly or the good but just taking a moment to realize where and who you were then as opposed to who you have become now.

In these photos my husband and I had just met a year earlier. It was truly love at first sight, no joke, but I can blog about our back story another time. He and I were young, in love, and had no responsibilities other than to go out and have fun. Well, also pay a few bills here and there, too.

First Started Dating - 2005

Baby Number 2 - 2013 (note the exhaustion in our faces)

I by no means regret anything that Life has dealt us. I am more humbled now than I have ever been. I have a greater appreciation for what it is to LOVE, and though I am not as spunky as I used to be and we may not have as much down time or energy as we previously had, I would never change a thing! A huge Thank You to my Friend who reminded me tonight to take a walk down that Memory Lane. On this evening my trip down Memory Lane was a clear reminder to me the LOVE that I had in my life back when my husband and I started dating was only the beginning of a grander LOVE that I have in my Life now.

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