Friday, June 21, 2013

R U KIDing ME!!

Thursday 6-20-2013

This morning was no different than any other this last 2 1/2 weeks. My darling Hubby Scurries off to work at the wee early hour of 6:45am, and I am left to pry my overly heavy eyelids open and muster any energy from any source I can withdrawal it from to get my overly exhausted booty out of bed. Awaiting me with an energy I can only hope to have at some point again, is my Gorgeous son, Grayson. He is usually covered in milk from the cereal Dada gave him and still in his P.J.'s and soaked Diaper from the night before. This morning is no different. My beautiful little daughter Starr is still blissfully sleeping in her crib due to the last feeding being just about 45 minutes ago. It is at this point I am able to start coffee and try to get myself and Grayson together for the day. Although, usually just Grayson as my days have been spent in my P.J's.
 (This is not something I am ever ashamed of might I add)

I manage to zombie like get my son dressed and change his diaper which lately has been no easy feat. Could it be his newly found independence at his ripe new age of 2? So sweet yet horribly Terrible at times is this stage. Whoever named it the "Terrible Twos" has undoubtedly pinned the tail on the Donkey! At least in my household this rings very true.

I have made myself breakfast, Oatmeal with blueberries, coffee, and a small glass of OJ, as well as given Grayson his round 2 breakfast, the same.This is when my morning becomes more interesting. 

 I have to use the bathroom. This has become the only sanctuary space.  I can have a wee little bit of some very much needed "Me Time!" How sad is it that under the confinement of my bathroom is where my only bit of solace is found these days? Here I go trying to use the mighty throne, which is extremely painful as I have been blessed with a postpartum Hemorrhoid the size of a freaking golf ball! So, I am sitting trying to relax and use breathing techniques as what feels like shredded glass is being dropped from my anus! Then here it goes.....
My Sleeping Beauty - (Photo taken Previously)
My 2 1/2 week old daughter, Starr begins screaming in her crib. As a mother this crying sends an instant round of anxiety thru my veins. In comes my 2 year old, Grayson, with his pants and diaper off booty naked into the bathroom.  I finish my "Me Time,"  grab my daughter and begin my search around the house for a puddle of pee. Usually, this is the case when he decides to go commando. Luckily no puddles found but sitting at the table is my naked son eating MY bowl of oatmeal which I had left on the kitchen counter! He had grabbed it off the counter and went to town on it. 

Why is it that Mommy's food, which is the same as his, is so much better?
There he is sitting on his knees at the table looking at me and saying, "yum mm!"
I take a look at my daughter who is calm from being held in mommy's arms, smile at my naked son, and all the anxiety has depleted my veins. 

I now begin to get Grayson dressed, nurse Starr, and am able to finally get the remainder of my breakfast and cold coffee into my tummy. Another morning started the same with a bout of chaos mixed in. Ah. Motherhood and all of it's glory!

My Gorgeous Son - (Photo Taken Previously - My Hubby finds it funny to pull his PJ pants up to his head)

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