Thursday, June 27, 2013

In the Beginning

Let me take you back to when my husband and I met. Back to 2005 - Labor Day Weekend. I was visiting Fort Lauderdale  - Also known as Fort Liquordale...I definitely know why after that weekend! I was traveling from Port Charlotte, a little hole in the wall town on the West side of Florida, that I grew up in. However, after Hurricane Charley hit and turned the town upside down on August 13, 2004, people noticed this town was on the map.This weekend I was traveling with two of my friends for a "Girls Weekend!" It was Friday Night September 3, 2005 and we were dressed to hit the Fort Lauderdale club strip, Riverwalk. My friend was showing me a photo of a guy on My Space. Now my first impression was that he was good looking, but seemed a little arrogant and looked as though he would stereotypically go for a certain type of girl, which was not me. My friend insisted that I meet him. Her friend which was a close friend of his thought we should meet also. I had heard about this guy before but certain circumstances in my life at the time did not enable us to meet months earlier. On this night Fate and the Stars aligned to make sure that we met. On this night Heather met David.
Fast forward to the meeting. Apparently, his friend who was a mutual friend of my friend was able to talk David into coming out to celebrate his 25th Birthday, which was the 4th.

The initial meeting - Out of the car I crawl when I see him walking towards my friends and I. I would say the breeze blew my hair and the sweet heavens sang, BUT..... In our case the putrid smells of strangers urine engulfed the air surrounding us in that parking garage. As we walked towards each other I can honestly say that it was love at first site. Something came over me that I had never experienced before. I was nervous, sweaty palmed, anxious, wanted to talk to him so bad but conversation was tepid as I was extremely nervous. He was the same. As we walked the strip and danced the night away, I drank and Drank and DRANK! By the end of the night I was a sweaty disgusting mess. Still on this fateful night, David fell in love with me - Sweaty, blabbering, alcohol spewing from my pores. History began on this night. The first thing I told my friends in the wee hours of the morning before going to bed was, "I am going to Marry that Guy." 
The Beginning of the night
Getting Tipsy and Giddy

Further into the night/morning

Towards the end of our Ladies night

The next morning, the first thing I said, no longer intoxicated, but with a devastatingly bad hang over, "I am going to Marry that Guy."

A month Later we became "Official." It was the sweetest thing, we had been traveling back and forth on the weekends to see one another and talking on the phone non-stop. Then, during one of my trips to visit we went out to Fort Lauderdale Beach with some of his friends and he took me for a walk. He nervously and officially asked me to be his girlfriend. It was so sweet because guys just don't do that anymore. Even though I had already considered us an official couple, I was excited to know he felt the same. We had gone on several dates and I met his friends. Must have passed the Friend approval. The rest is History.

Our First Date - The Morakami Museum

Our First Thanksgiving - Searching Blockbuster for a Movie
Our First Christmas

Our Relationship continued to progress filled with my big move to Fort Lauderdale, lots of firsts, a ton of Holidays and just a great fun time with our love for one another growing more and more each day! I had found my soul mate, my companion, partner, lover, and friend that fateful night in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. Who would've guessed that in the stench of that urine filled parking garage I would have met my future Husband and father of my beautiful children.

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