Friday, June 28, 2013

Then comes Marriage...and baby....

We dated for several years even buying our first place together in 2008 before the proposal came. I honestly have never been one of those girls who dreamed of her wedding date. Quite honestly I wanted to hit Las Vegas with some close friends and family. On July 13, 2009 David took me to Boynton Beach after work and proposed. He was so nervous, got down on one knee on the rocks and told me he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Little did I know he had been carrying the ring in his pocket all day at work. (We worked together at the time) He was so cute. I immediately giggled, kissed him, and replied, "of Course!"
Our First Place Together 2008
The proposal 7-13-2009

David's 30th Birthday 2010

Ironically enough it was shortly after David's 30th Birthday when we found out we were pregnant. It was October 8th or 15th (?) 2010 I waited all week anxiously to take that test. On that Friday morning I woke up at 3:00am to pee on the stick and confirmed what I already knew. A Positive. I was Pregnant. I was so happy. I had always said that I wanted my first child by the time I was 28. I woke up David to tell him the news. He just rolled over and went back to sleep. Later when we woke for work he told me he thought he was dreaming. We were excited, nervous, scared, and really worried at how this would effect our lives. Obviously, our total freedom and "Our Time" would be affected in some way. We were not prepared at all for the journey that lay before us.

6 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks

After several attempts to have a small but beautiful Wedding and those attempts falling thru the cracks due to lack of funds, we decided to go to the courthouse. Off to the Broward County courthouse we went. I was officially 4 months pregnant and growing. We went to Express to buy some clothes and headed to the courthouse on Friday January 28, 2011. We had our parents, my sister and one of my best friends with her husband at the time, attend. Yes, we are wearing Grey, but not because we were grieving the day, just so happened to be the dress that fit was grey and he wanted to match. We waited and waited in the waiting room before vowing to be together for the remainder of our lives under arch covered in fake flowers.

We never had a Honeymoon......I am looking forward to that more than ever...One Day! Instead we continued to embark on our pregnancy journey. We had a crazy hectic baby shower, and enjoyed every second of my growing belly.
14 Weeks
16 Weeks 
17 Weeks
18 Weeks
23 Weeks
24 Weeks
We decided to go on the Playground and take some fun photos - Photos taken by My Father In Law :)

29 Weeks
32 Weeks
33 Weeks
35 Weeks

36 Weeks

37 Weeks - Last Belly shot before Grayson's Delivery

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