Sunday, September 29, 2013

And the days roll effortlessly into one another

What a crazy busy weekend. When the thought of having children sparks in your brain you should really receive a manual that will enlighten you on motherhood. So many things you learn on your own as a mother and so many things you are given advice on. Even after reading, and soliciting advice from friends or random Moms I may have encountered at the grocery store, I still was not at all prepared for what being a Mama was all about. There are many struggles but many more overwhelming moments filled with joy and love......AND NO SLEEP...Ever...EVER...AGAIN!!!

My weekend kicked off in Mama mode with cleaning and a nice Friday dinner with the fam followed by grocery shopping. It continued in Mama mode with a great all day outing on Saturday. My Hubby and I took the kids to the YAA museum for the first time. This museum is like a slice of heaven for youngsters. They have themed rooms fit for certain age groups, but our little G-Man found an interesting feat in every room. It was amazing! I loved it. There were Trains, tunnels, and water play in the room age appropriate for G-Man. Then after water play there was a good 15-20 minutes of playing with the electric hand dryers. He got a kick out of the air hitting his head and blowing his hair all over!
They had a Stomp room...Amazing! He ran around banging and sliding down the slide a million times. There was a Puppet room where you could make your own puppets from recycled materials and then put on your own show or sit and watch one in another room. I was way more into this than G-Man! I took my puppetry making very serious. We never made it to the out door play area, but he noticed it on the way out after 2 1/2 hours of inside exploring!!! What a great place for the little ones! We will definitely be going back and probably signing up to become members. So Fun! After, we went to a park to eat lunch and play in the sunshine.

Later, Mama was now ready to have some time out with her friends. I met some friends at LIPS Restaurant to celebrate a friends 40th! This was my second time going to a LIPS show, celebrating a Birthday. I must disclose that LIPS is a Drag Queen Show fit for the open minded. Though, these ladies really could care less what you think because quite honestly most of them have more confidence and look better than some women  you would see out on the town. The place is sparkly and fabulous with chandeliers and glitz and glam everywhere. The show is fun and saucy with lots of Sass! The food is good and the drinks are yummy. It was a fun night with some newer friends. What a nice time before arriving back home and transferring roles from friend to Mama and Wife.
Yup...Nicki Minaj

We finished our weekend with church, "Papa Jesus," as G-Man would say. Next was Soccer, a huge success today. He had his listening ears on and volume up. He participated gleefully in class finally. With only 2 more classes left he is finally warming up to the class and the concept of following directions.After soccer it was off to the park for the Triple P's - Picnic, Playing, and Pony Ride. G-Man got up on that horse like a pro, wasn't scared at all. He kept laughing when the horse would shake his head.  We had lunch, though not much lunch was eaten by G-Man, swinging and kicking his ball were his play choices, and the Pony Ride wrapped up our busy family fun filled weekend.
It is only 9pm and my eyelids can barely stay open a second longer. Now, maybe some sleep tonight......

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