Monday, April 14, 2014

Photos now called "Selfies"

There are many things I am learning about the Social Media world. There are tons of Do's and Dont's! One thing I have learned or observed rather, is that History repeats itself..again..and again...and again!

 The same stories, catchy phrase, jokes, and photos are restored, reused and recycled for a few years later. One specifically is this whole "Selfie" business. I am almost certain that people were, have been and will continue to take photographs of themselves. Now they are called "Selfies" and it is a HUGE social media blast. Apparently the president got in on the action as well. All of a sudden we have spotlighted people taking photos of themselves to share on social media or the web in general. Why now?? Pretty sure this has been an ongoing thing. Now there is even a song about the whole "selfie!" The song is catchy I have to admit but strikes a little nerve and instigates my inner Ally McBeal. Simple. Just for that reason. It is such a simple concept for a song. It is one of those many, many times where I slap myself internally for not thinking of the idea myself!

If you haven't seen the video or heard the Selfie song check it out here:

On one side you have people saying that selfies are a cry for help! A narcissistic behavior that may be an indication of a psychotic break.

On the flip side you have people saying that selfies help promote a "real" image for women. They allow mothers to now be a part of the memory when taking a photo with their children. Selfies are empowerment and allow for people in your social networks to keep up with your life.

My hubster thinks we should do a parody called "Let me take a poopy." Though at first this really made me laugh but then I was trapped in my thoughts pondering what is the male obsession with bodily functions?

What do you think?

I think that if you want to continue to take photos "selfies" of yourself then do it! If you want to continue to take photo bombs with your friends "selfies" then have at it! If you want to blast the whole social media and worldwide web with thousands of photos of yourself "selfies" by all means go for it! If you think the Selfie "culture" is LAME then don't do it! In every situation there may be an underlying story behind the photo. It may be a cry for help, attention, narcissistic tendency, habitual, for fun and/or just for the sake of capturing a memory~! Just remember one thing : the weirdos don't only come out at night! They are day walkers, night walkers, sleepwalkers, stalkers, Internet creeps, and much worse! Also, Just BE YOU!

For your reading and visual amusement I have decided to post some great selfies of my hubster and I:
And FYI: Pretty positive these were taken about 4 years ago or so.

Sad truth: this is really what my adolescent face looked like minus the glasses and braces!

Until Next time.............................................................................................................

1 comment:

  1. This goes back to "everything in moderation." No one wants to scroll through their Facebook wall to catch up on their friends' and family's lives only to see 5 photos in a row of a particular friend taking his or her own photo in the bathroom...not because they are doing or wearing something funny, but because they think they are having a good hair day. I want to see what that person is doing with their life (their real life and not all of the time they spend on Facebook). Taking selfies constantly implies that a person lives life for social media and not the other way around.
