So it is totally Friday night and 9:47pm. Here I sit with my ear plugs typing away with so many thoughts swirling about in my mind. Listening to the calming coffeehouse jams on Spotify. My new favorite station right now (Listening to Ani DiFranco - In the Margins). I am lost for a moment while I type. Lost in the lyrics, the instruments, and what it all means to me. How the song resonates with me. Then, I pause and realize I am super sentimental. Too Deep sometimes. Most of the time I think people probably truly, never, really will get me. Too afraid to hurt my fragile being. Too afraid to say something that may hurt my precious sensitive self. People whom I may have known my whole life never truly unleashing their true selves because in their minds "I couldn't handle it." Maybe I will be offended, hurt, and then the walls will come up. Those inevitable walls that can shut out even the closest to me. I realize in this moment that I don't particularly have control of this defense mechanism. That is what it is right? Any form of emotional reaction to protect oneself, physical retaliation, mental attack or anything in between. We react. Most of the time as in defense and often much too fast. The aftermath can be disastrous and the situation could have been one that was harmless though the reaction time was much too quick to stop and cease fire.
This whole week I have heard far more negativity than I really ever care to hear. Mostly in the news. Now, why can't they seriously have a Happy Hilda or a Positive Patty portion of the news and focus on the positive in the world. Take just as much energy as the news stations are ALWAYS investing into the horrible and disastrous events that are daily happenings in this world. Focus just as much of that energy on the Good. Then, I would probably be a fan of watching. We all know that there is AWFUL in this world. What about the good that happens? We are so quick to place judgement on how people should, Live, Love, Act, Be, Exist etc. There are no labels on Hate in this world. Hate is just that. Hate! Why do we constantly label LOVE? Love is a GOOD in this world. Right? So why are we always trying to spin a negative take on it?
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To the Moon and Back Tank sold at The Striped Fig |
We were at a Clothing Photo Shoot for a new found friend who has begun a wonderful journey making a children's clothing line,
The Striped Fig. She is proof that never giving up and following your dreams is a truth that can be yours! Check her site out if you get the chance. Really talented and the clothes are so cute. Gender neutral too!
G-Man giving a high-five to his new friend! |
Now of course my littles were towards the end of the evening and were in no way wanting to cooperate for their photos. I was a little stressed quite honestly. I wanted them to take great photos for her, but it just wasn't happening from our littles. Then, I was calmed by watching the innocence in children. The LOVE. I watched while, though a little apprehensive at times, my G-Man walked up to two little boys that were there and began to play. They were sharing sticks, running, and playing. No judgements, No Hate, No pre-requisites required, just boys playing and having fun! As I took in these fleeting moments I was at ease. So what if my littles didn't take a good photo. They had fun! G-Man was able to make a new friend, pet a few dogs, and a goat! Yes. A goat :) He got to run around in the grassy field free with heart open and imagination roaming.
"Mommy. I want to go fishing." He says to me with a stick in his hand.
"Okay." I replied.
"Where?" I asked him.
He reached his arm out and pointed out into the open grassy field. "Over there, Mommy!"
We get home and the kids went to bed after 9pm, but they were filled with happiness, joy, content, and LOVE that in this world only a child can feel. At least it sure seems that way! They don't know hate, judgement, or fear until we teach them. We teach them our fears and what fear is. We teach them how to hate by showing our hate. We teach them how to place judgement by the judgement that we place on others. It is my duty as a parent to teach my littles but the reality is they are teaching me how to be kinder, more patient, & how to really LOVE everything around me. With time blasting away it is nice to have these reminders.
We had to bribe G-Man with a cupcake to take photos and he didn't have his listening ears on. He wanted nothing to do with the photos and defiantly protested in the way a Twoddler (almost Threeddler) would. Turning away from the camera.
We did have a fermenting stinky diaper in the car. Sitting. In the heat. The whole time we were outside trying to bribe our son to take a "good" photo.
We even had a melt down when it was time yo go to bed.
Just a testament to the truth that Shit DOES indeed Happen! Even in the Shit. Underneath all the Stink. Is Love.
I continue to jam out with my coffeehouse jams and wish you all the LOVE that we all deserve tonight and every other night to follow.
To the Moon and Back. He makes a little wish tonight! |
Incredible Cute!
ReplyDeleteI loved this post, and I have loved these sneak previews! Grayson looks so hip and adorable, I can't stop aww-ing my face off!